Help Protect Our Lake from Invasive Mussels!
With summer in full swing the Town of Osoyoos would like to remind water users to “CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY” their watercrafts and water recreation equipment (boats, paddleboards, kayaks, canoes, inflatables, fishing gear, etc.) before entering and leaving lakes, rivers, and other waterways to help prevent the spread of quagga or zebra mussels.  Download a Boat Inspection Checklist.

If you or someone you know are bringing watercraft from out of province, contact the Provincial Program at to determine if your boat is High-risk. Do not launch the boat into BC waters until you have received instructions from a BC Provincial Aquatic Invasive Species Inspector.

If transporting any type of watercraft in B.C. (boat, kayak, paddleboard, etc.) it is mandatory to stop and report to all provincial invasive mussel watercraft inspection stations along your travel route. If you are hauling watercraft outside of inspection hours, call the inspection hotline at 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP). British Columbia Inspection Stations Map

To learn more about keeping invasive mussels out of our lakes visit:

Okanagan Basin Water Board: Don’t Move A Mussel Website

BC Government Website – Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels

Okanagan and Similkameen Invasive Species Society

Osoyoos Lake Water Quality Society – July 24, 2024, 1:00 PM, See a live boat inspection & decontamination demo at the Osoyoos Seniors Centre, 17 Park Place, with K9 Mussel Sniffing Dog Major!

Town of Osoyoos
(T) 250.495.6515

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