Photo Credit: Neil Bousquet
Kudos to our gracious volunteers from the Osoyoos Lake Water Quality Society (OLWQS) who set aside a few hours Sunday morning to repaint the yellow fish symbols (using non-toxic materials) adjacent to the numerous storm drains throughout Osoyoos.

Volunteer Deb Sherwood paints bright yellow fish on Lakeshore. PC: Neil Bousquet
“We do this gesture annually to remind residents and visitors to Osoyoos that what you put into the storm drain can affect wildlife such as fish,” says OLWQS President, Birgit Arnstein.

OLWQS president Birgit Arnstein and volunteer David Jenkins paint yellow fish near Osoyoos Marina. PC: Neil Bousquet

Volunteer Bob Sherwood makes final touches on his yellow fish. PC: Neil Bousquet

David Kumka and Darlene Hovid make their mark on Cottonwood Drive. PC: Neil Bousquet