Oliver council on board in fight against mussels
Oliver council will be urging the provincial government to strengthen its defence program against invasive mussels.
At Monday’s meeting, town council discussed a letter from the Okanagan Basin Water Board, urging the municipality to get involved in their fight to mandate inspections on all watercraft entering B.C.
The goal is to protect B.C. waterways from invasive mussel species which have, so far, not plagued the province but have been devastating in other ecosystems.
Council was asked to approve sending a letter in support of the OBWB’s calls for action.
They were on board.
“In every meeting, every conversation, every board, every group I attend, where mussels are discussed about keeping them out of our provinces, everyone agrees that that’s important, yet the funding doesn’t seem to follow,” said Coun. Petra Veintimilla.
“And the regulations aren’t really in place to make that happen.”
The motion to send the letter passed unanimously. The letter will be sent to Minister Randene Neill, Minister of Water, Land and Natural Resources.