The Osoyoos Lake Water Quality Society (OLWQS) held its annual Volunteer Appreciation event in September.  OLWQS is  privileged to have such wonderful volunteers giving their time to work on our research boat collecting important data which goes to the Ministry Of Environment and Climate Change as well as ONA and OBWB.  

We could not function without our dedicated boat manager and data manager. Our volunteers paint yellow fish near storm drains, participate in shoreline cleanups, speak to community and school groups and bring in speakers to discuss important issues like preventing invasive aquatic species such as zebra and quagga mussels and the parasite causing Whirling Disease entering our waters.  

Our volunteers engage in fund raising activities like the annual Sage Pub Burger and Beer event and the Paint and Sip evening and writing grant applications.  We are privileged to have a PR specialist who manages content on our Facebook and website.  Our broad-based Board of Directors, provides  guidance and direction to the various volunteers mentioned above.  We could not function without them.  We thank and appreciate the efforts of all our volunteers and are always looking for new people to join our ranks. 

Honoring our volunteers at the Osoyoos Lake Water Quality Society

by Birgit Arnstein, President of OLWQS

Accepting the $1,000 cheque from the Rotary Club of Osoyoos President, Elliott Friedrich (middle left) is OLWQS President, Birgit Arnstein (middle right). On the far left is OLWQS volunteer Dave Kumka and Boat Captain Iain Fraser is on the far right.  Photo Credit: Neil Bousquet 

Welcome everyone! First, I would like to thank Bob and Deb Sherwood for again hosting our volunteer appreciation event!

This gathering is all about showing our appreciation to our many dedicated volunteers. We could not achieve anything without our volunteers who unselfishly give their time for:  fundraisers; boat crews; yellow fish painters; shoreline cleaners; public relations; collecting and analyzing water data; board of directors meetings and step-up when others can’t – thank you so very much!

Today, it gives me great pleasure to honour and thank Dr. Dave Kumka for all he has done for the Society! Yes Dave is a PhD and continues to work as an Open Learning Faculty Member at Thompson Rivers University. His interests include database security, software architecture and computer science education.

Beautiful views of Osoyoos Lake and flowers from the beachfront property hosting the OLWQS volunteer event. PC Neil Bousquet 

Dave has been a long time OLWQS board member and a boat crew member and so much more. He’s a terrific resource for our organization and our community.  His knowledge and experience with lake monitoring is extremely helpful for all of us. 

As an example, when I have a question about water quality  monitoring or other related issues, I know I will get a clear, concise, and understandable answer from him.  Dave has done numerous things that have had a positive impact on our organization.

Dr. Dave Kumka is an Open Learning Faculty Member at Thompson Rivers University where his academic interests include database security, software architecture and computer science education.

He has digitized all of the data from the binders which go back to the 1990s.  This is painstaking work that allows the information to be far more usable for everyone. I know Dave has also been evaluating the data and looking at the trends over the years. 

In his past careers with water monitoring knowledge and experience, Dave has combined computer knowledge and skills to the various tasks he has taken on.  Just recently, he wrote and designed a wonderfully succinct poster for our recent Water Science Forum.  

He also gave a presentation to the Osoyoos Rotary Club that resulted in Rotary donating funds for a new summer pontoon boat cover that displays both the logos of Rotary and OLWQS

Dave has also volunteered at BINGO several times. This year, he took on developing the crew schedule among all his other activities. As well, Dave is planning a special training session in the spring for all our volunteers.

I have really appreciated all the knowledge and expertise he brings to our society but most of all – I so appreciate how he has helped me get all of our educational materials to our various public venues!  He’s also lent both hands for launching and pulling the boat out of the lake and helping in the public works yard either wrapping the boat for winter or unwrapping it for summer use.  On behalf of all our members, thank you for your willingness and ability to help OLWQS in so many ways.

In attendance for the volunteer appreciation event are (l-r) seated around the table are Deb Sherwood, Verla Anderson, Birgit Arnstein, Darlene Hovid and Marie Gibbons. Standing in the back are Rob Summers, Bob Sherwood, Trevor Reeves and Iain Fraser.  Absent when the photo was taken were Elise Peterson, David Ryan, Barb Chipperfield and Ryan Simms.

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